An all in one PC can be essentially thought of as a less portable laptop that requires external peripherals to operate. Indeed, the vast majority are actually constructed using laptop components as they're usually smaller and run at lower temperatures. Building a gaming all-in-one isn't substantially harder than building a gaming laptop - and yet most manufacturers don't do it. The reason why that is has everything to do with the specific demographic that tends to gravitate towards all-in-one designs, and how that compares with laptops and desktops.
The success should come as no surprise, as all-in-ones can make ideal family machines. ... Cheap, integrated graphics and low-performance CPUs may be perfect for super-thin all-in-ones (which, from an engineering standpoint, have more in common with laptops than desktops), but they don't foster great PC gaming.
PC gamers fear me. They scowl when they boot up Far Cry 3 only to see my stuttering frame rates, low resolution, and lack of antialiasing. Just name it—if it’s a critical graphics setting, I’ve disabled it. I may look pretty on the surface, and I may be practical, but my gaming performance is almost always disappointing. I am the all-in-one desktop PC.
Hardcore PC gaming is a relatively small, niche market, and most all-in-one manufacturers aren’t making gaming performance a focus at this point. Indeed, most companies are striving to make their all-in-ones as sleek and thin as possible, and this presents engineering challenges. The machines simply don’t have the interior space to accommodate desktop-grade graphics, let alone their accompanying cooling solutions. As a result, all-in-ones are often loaded with GPUs from the laptop parts bins—integrated graphics capable of only choppy, low-res game play.
The above is the BVS to all in one PCs are not good for gaming of the explanation. We hope to be helpful to you!
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